WINk Foundation
1 min readSep 18, 2020

Dear WINksters,

Email login entry for multi-currencies in WINk’s Legacy Version ( is closed.

For your asset safety, we will help transfer your remaining multi-currency assets from your previous login to your POLONIEX account once we receive your email details. Please use your registration email account to mail to apply for a transfer with the below information.

1. Precise email address for your legacy WINk login.

2. Target recipient address for your POLONIEX account to withdraw to (for each currency).

3. Poloniex login account you use to play in WINk.

Any deposit to your legacy WINk account is not recommended and risks unnecessary losses.

Please ensure you have completed the above by the 24th September at the latest.

Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.

WINk Team



WINk Foundation

WINk is a gaming platform for users to play, socialize, and stake across multiple blockchain ecosystems.